10 Dirtiest Cities In the World

By — Jjj


    10) Niamey,Niger
                  The Niger River basin home to niger's capital city niamey is a cesspool of pollution air and dirty water.

    9) New Dehli, India
    New Dehli, India
           Garbage and sewage flow freely creating a rich environment from the growth of the water borne disases contributing to extremly high rates of infant morbidity.

    8) Pointe Noire,Congo
    Pointe Noire,Congo
                   The second congolese city on the list suffers from many of the same pollutants as its neighbouring city,Brazzaville.

    7) Moscow,Russia
                 In a city where you can pay $3000 a month for a appartment that doesn't even have clean running water.

    6) Brazzaville,Congo
                     Air pollution from emissions lack of potable water and the contamination of the city water from raw sewage contribute to laundry list of health.
    5) Baghdad,Iraq'
                  Poor water quality in baghdad threatons to exacasbate the transmission of water borne diseases in the city. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) also says air pollution resulting from burning oil and agravated by war.

    4) Mumbai,India
                Mumbai has the population of more than 2 billion.There is the pollution in air,Scarcity of water and many people die due to sanitation.In Mumbai taking 1 breathe is taking 100 cigratee in 1 time.

    3) Mexico City,Mexico
    Mexico City,Mexico

            Mexico City the capital of Mexico & it is the capital of north American air pollution estimates unhealthy zone emissions nearly 85% of the year.It is also known as the dark city.

    2) Dhaka,Bangladesh
                   Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh located in southern part of Asia between Burma & India. Bangladesh battles with the constant threat of water pollution.More than 1000 people due to ta water cause diseases in Dhaka.

    1) Baku,Azerbaijan
                         Surrounded by Iran,Georgia Russia & America on the caspion sea.Azerbaijan has long been on oil hub.As consequence.Baku the capital suffers fromlife-threating,high level of air pollutionemitted from oil drilling and shipping.