Goat Gives Birth To Two Human Like Babies In Karnataka

By β€” Jjj

  • The News Amazing New

    Goat Baby
    In a bizarre news, a goat in Solapur, Karnataka has given birth to two stillborn kids that strikingly resemble human babies.
    The first human-like baby was born at around 6:30 am on Monday, while the goat gave birth to other one at 11:30 am, which was a female with human features, Deccan Chronical reported.

    According to the report, 70 per cent of the features of the kids are human-like, with the eyes, nose,
    mouth and even limbs resembling a human baby. The ears and foot were that of a goat, it said. Bhaskar, the owner of the goat, told Deccan Chronical that the goat had previously delivered around 10 babies and all were normal.

    β€œIn medical terms, the condition in is called fetal anasarta, means the baby body filled with excessive fluids. This happens due to a genetic disorder or infection,” Deputy director of animal husbandry Dr Devadas was quoted as saying by DC.

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